On “Mansplaining”

Mansplaining; the phenomena in which a male “dumbs things down” in order to explain things to a female in terms she will understand.


Mansplaining is prevalent in our society, even if we don’t always catch it. The idea behind it is that women’s brains aren’t complex or large enough to be able to grasp simple concepts, like men’s brains are. This phenomena is usually paired with condescending nicknames like sweetheart, cutie, darling, or honey.

I hate when people “dumb things down” for me. It reduces my own intelligence in the eyes of other people before I even have the chance to prove it. It’s demeaning and insulting and in most cases, just plain rude. I’ve had an older gentleman explain to me how to use a doorstop. Another time, when a guy handed me a pen to use, he sweetly told me that I had to “click it first before writing with it, ok babe?”

Mansplaining gives guys a chance to appear more intelligent and more capable that their female counterparts. It gives them the chance to be the knight in shining armor. However, they have yet to fully realize, we don’t need one.

One thought on “On “Mansplaining”

  1. Jubi,
    Men are hardwired to be heroes or the “fixers of stuff” to women. Check out speed dating studies

    As soon as most men in speed dating studies find out a woman is smarter or more successful than them they move on to another table. Why? Because men are biologically wired to seek out a woman to whom they can be “the knight in shining armor”. Women who try to fight this biological hardwiring often end up unmarried or divorced.

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